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Grow in God

Knowing Christ is simple.

Our Mission

Simply believe...

God who created you loves you. He showed his love by sending his Son, Jesus Christ, to die in your place for all the wrong things (seemingly big and small). Christ’s sacrifice set you free. He cancelled your sinful punishment, which was an eternal life without any ounce of goodness in hell. He looks for no payback, but he requires that you sincerely honor Him by the way you live the remainder of your life.


in Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ did not stop there. Even after taking the punishment of death for all mankind, He was resurrected by the power of God, declaring victory for us over every evil thing. As additional good news, the Holy Spirit was sent to live in the heart of each person who believes in Him.


This gives us the intuitive knowledge, power and ability to live right! With simple belief, accept in your heart what Jesus has done for you, commit to God and yourself to turn from your wrong ways to a God-filled life, and speak to others about your belief in Jesus Christ. Begin living a fresh, new life right now by praying this prayer. 

Daily growth

Determine to grow daily in your ability to honor God through faith and love. Remind yourself that God’s mercy is plentiful each day giving you a fresh start as you keep your heart pure in His sight. Remember, you may stumble in your attempts to live and love according to the Bible, but God will never fail you on His end of the relationship. He will always extend his hand to help you up, give you the correction needed, and place you in a better “position” from which you fell.

Enjoy pursuing the Kingdom of God by renewing your mind and by doing what the Bible commands.  Our prayer is that you learn to live in full abundance in all areas of your life on this earthly side of the eternal life to come! 

With the Love of Christ,

Your New Sisters in Christ!

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